Thursday, May 1, 2014

Peri is a Dude

I am turning 50 this year and looking forward to the changes that are coming my way. I  start sentences with, ”Now that I am approaching peri-menopause…”  and they usually end with something like, ”and I really don’t care what other people think .”  Don’t get me wrong. I am still a nice person, but it is refreshing to no longer worry about what other people think of me.

So  women can complain about our “change” that is on the way, or look forward to the positives. When life gives you lemons you can either be a sour puss or pour some sugar on it and make lemonade. Someone tried to put a positive spin on our period and called it “our little friend”.  We all know it was no friend of ours. It was our crazy relative, Aunt Flo. How many times did she show up, unannounced as we were leaving for vacation, insisting on coming along? We were young. We didn’t know how to say “no”. Auntie was there for cheer camp in high school, pool parties, anniversaries, honeymoons, you name it- if there was a special occasion, she would screw it up.

Some would say the “curse” is a biblical thing. To that I say,” That is a crazy notion”. I am trying really hard to not curse in black & white. So when you read phrases like “that is a crazy notion”, know that my original notes said, “total horse s***”.  But I do remember reading that women had pain in childbirth as a punishment because it was Eve who told Adam to eat the apple.  Wasn’t there a nut tree in that Garden of Eden? Adam could have picked a couple for free and stood up for himself.  Last time I checked, persuasion wasn’t a sin, but giving in to temptation was really frowned upon.  Anyway, we women got the blame somehow.

Maybe our redemption is peri-menopause. Since our first  cycle was personified as our “little friend” , let's  personify the second as our dude, “Peri”.  He’s my wing man  on my shoulder saying,” You don’t have to buy that crazy notion…speak up for yourself"  Peri has my back. He encourages me to stand up for myself and  say what I think. I’m looking forward to a long, intimate relationship with him.  I’m just waiting for Aunt Flo to kick the bucket.


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